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Join Android Developer course and get a chance to work in a corporate world.

  • Course fees starting @ ₹ 60,000/- @ ₹ 40,000/- with 25% Discount
    (*For Limited Period Offer)
  • Duration 4.5 months*
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Android Developer

About this course

EarnWealth Academy's Udaan offers an android development course designed to get you a Job as an Android Developer.
Students are taught everything they need to know to build and launch software products, right through graduation. Through our proven method of teaching by working on a full-blown product, we give our students real world experience and the skills required for an Android Developer.


Sessions Week
Android Architecture 1
Android application framework 1
Android Components 1
Android Fragments Lifecycle 1
Android versions and tools 1
Sessions Week
Setup of Android Studio And SDK 1
Creating First Android Project 1
Using Emulator 1
Introduction To Activities 1
Android Services 1
Usage of Broadcast Receivers 1
Content Providers 1
Understanding Intent 1
Styles And Themes 1
Sessions Week
Activities 2
Views, Layouts and UI components 2
Using code and XML to build UI 2
Handling UI Events 2
Activity Lifecycle 2
Introduction to SQLite DB 2
Sessions Week

Implementing Different Layouts

Frame Layout 3
Adapter Views 3
GridView 3
RecyclerView and it's usage 3
RecyclerView Architecture 3
Custom Views and Compound Views 3
Sessions Week
CardView 4
ScrollView 4
FloatingActionButton 4
Animations 4
Radio Buttons 4

Assignment 1

Sessions Week
Toasts 5
Alert, Progress, TimePicker, DatePicker 5
Custom Dialogs 5
Firebase Notifications 5
Sessions Week
Using Java multithreading classes 5
Using AsyncTask, Handler 5
Post, runOnUIThread 5
Managing UI threads 5
Sessions Week
Apply Firebase in App 5
Working on Firebase Events 5
Tracking Firebase Events 5
Crash Analytics 5
Sessions Week
Working with audio, video and different media formats 6
Recording audio and video 6
Using VideoView 6
Sessions Week
Resource types in Android 6
Use of Localization 6
Handling Runtime configuration changes 6
Sessions Week
Introduction to Fragments 6
How to use fragments through code and xml 6
Data Communication Among Fragments 6
Using built in Fragments 6
Difference in Fragments & Activity 6
Sessions Week
Services Overview 7
Implementation of Services 7
Services lifecycle 7
Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services) 7
Sessions Week
Using permissions in Manifest 7
Requesting permissions at run-time 7
Creating and applying permissions 7
Android Launching Modes 7
Sessions Week
Introduction to Intent Filters 8
Create usable components with Intent Filters 8
Filters in Dynamic Broadcast Receivers 8
Implement Broadcast Receiver 8
Sending Broadcast 8

Assignment 2


Sessions Week
Understanding Shared Preferences 9
Data Operations on Shared Preferences 9
Understanding Android file system 9
Working with Storage 9
Handling Security 9

Working with SQLite

Creating database 9
Using Cursor, ContentValue 9
CRUD operations with SQLite 9
Upgrading/Downgrading database 9
Sessions Week
Using built-in content providers 10
Content provider MIME types 10
Managing content 10
Sessions Week
Understanding HTTP Request Response model 11
Unerstanding Postman 11
Consuming REST APIs 11
Using Google Volley, Retrofit networking libraries 11
Opening WebView 11
Sessions Week
Implementing Location Based Services 11
Working current location and listening for changes in location 11
Proximity alerts, Geofencing APIs 11
Working with Google Maps 11
Implementing Google map in an Activity 11
Customizing maps 11
Working with map marker 11
Custom Markers and Info Windows 11
Interacting with the map 11
Displaying route on map 11
Sessions Week
Introduction to SensorManager, Sensor classes 12
Interpetating Sensor values 12
Implementation of accelerometer and orientation sensors 12
Sessions Week
Using TelephonyManager and SMSManager 12
Making and Receiving calls and Text messages 12
Using Whatsapp Calling Funtionality 12
Sessions Week
Using Camera2 APIs 12
Creating Camera preview 12
Clicking pictures, capturing videos 12
Customizing camera settings 12
Sessions Week
Using local blutooth radio 12
Discovering and bonding with bluetooth devices 12
Managing bluetooth connections 12
Sessions Week
Advanced topics 12
Introduction to Firebase Authentication, Real time database, Storage APIS, FCM 12
Using App Versions 12

Assignment 3

13 & 14

Real life project from 15th till 26th week.

This Course is for

Students are taught everything they need to know to build and launch software products, right through graduation. Through our proven method of teaching by working on a full-blown product, we give our students real world experience and the skills required for an Android Developer.

Contact Details

For more details, feel free to contact us.

Office No-409,C-Wing KPCT Mall, Fathima Nagar, Wanwari, Pune - 411040

+91 - 8261879113