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Join Full-stack Web Developer course and get a chance to work in a corporate world.

  • Course fees starting @ ₹ 60,000/- @ ₹ 40,000/- with 25% Discount
    (*For Limited Period Offer)
  • Duration 4.5 months*
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Full-stack Web Applications Developer

About this course

EarnWealth Academy's Udaan offers a web development course designed to get you a Job as Web Applications Developer.
Students are taught everything they need to know to build and launch software products, right through graduation. Through our proven method of teaching by working on a full-blown product, we give our students real world experience and the skills required for a Web Applications Developer.


Sessions Week
Lecture 1: What is HTML? 1
Lecture 2: Relevant History of HTML 1
Lecture 3: Anatomy of an HTML Tag 1
Lecture 4: Basic HTML Document Structure 1
Lecture 5: HTML Content Models 1
Lecture 6: Heading Elements (and some new HTML5 semantic comments) 1
Lecture 7: Lists 1
Lecture 8: HTML Character Entity References 1
Lecture 9: Creating Links 1
Lecture 10: Displaying Images 1
Sessions Week
Lecture 1: Power of CSS 1
Lecture 2: Element, Class, and ID Selectors 1
Lecture 3: Style Placement 1
Lecture 4: The background Property 1
Lecture 5: Positioning Elements by Floating 1
Lecture 6: Part 1: Media Queries 1
Lecture 7: The Box Model 1
Lecture 8: Responsive Design 1
Lecture 9: Introduction to Bootstrap 1
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Overview 2
Lesson 2: Syntax 2
Lesson 3: Enabling 2
Lesson 4: Placement 2
Lesson 5: Variables 2
Lesson 6: Operators 2
Lesson 7: If..Else 2
Lesson 8: Switch Case 2
Lesson 9: While Loop 2
Lesson 10: For..Loop 2
Lesson 11: For..In 2
Lesson 12: Loop Control 2
Lesson 13: Functions 2
Lesson 14: Events 2
Lesson 15: Cookies 2
Lesson 16: Page Redirect 3
Lesson 17: Dialog Boxes 3
Lesson 18: Void Keyword 3
Lesson 19: Page Printing 3
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Objects 3
Lesson 2: Number 3
Lesson 3: Boolean 3
Lesson 4: Strings 3
Lesson 5: Arrays 3
Lesson 6: Date 3
Lesson 7: Math 3
Lesson 8: RegExp 3
Lesson 9: HTML DOM 3
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Overview 3
Lesson 2: Basics 3
Lesson 3: Selectors 3
Lesson 4: Attributes 3

Assignment 1


Lesson 5: Traversing 4
Lesson 6: CSS 4
Lesson 7: DOM 4
Lesson 8: Events 4
Lesson 9: AJAX 4
Lesson 10: Effects 4
Lesson 11: JQuery UI[Interactions,Widgets,Theming] 4
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Introduction 5
Lesson 2: Environment 5
Lesson 3: Syntax Overview 5
Lesson 4: Variable Types 5
Lesson 5: Constants 5
Lesson 6: Operator Types 5
Lesson 7: Decision Making 5
Lesson 8: Loop Types 5
Lesson 9: Arrays 5
Lesson 10: Strings 5
Lesson 11: Web Concepts 5
Lesson 12: File Inclusion 5
Lesson 13: Files and I/O 5
Lesson 14: Functions 5
Lesson 15: Cookies 5
Lesson 16: Sessions 5
Lesson 17: Sending Emails 5
Lesson 18: PHP File Uploading 5
Lesson 19: PHP Coding Standard 5
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Predefined Variables 6
Lesson 2: Regular Expression 6
Lesson 3: Error Handling 6
Lesson 4: Bugs Debugging 6
Lesson 5: Date and Time 6
Lesson 6: PHP and MySQL 6
Lesson 7: PHP and AJAX 6
Lesson 8: PHP and XML 6
Lesson 9: PHP Object Oriented 6
Lesson 10: PHP for C Developers 6
Lesson 11: PHP for PERL Developers 6

Assignment 2


Sessions Week
Lesson 1: What is AJAX ? 8
Lesson 2: AJAX Technologies 8
Lesson 3: AJAX Examples 8
Lesson 4: Browser Support 8
Lesson 5: AJAX in Action 8
Lesson 6: AJAX XMLHttpRequest 8
Lesson 7: AJAX Database 8
Lesson 8: AJAX Security 8
Lesson 9: Issues with AJAX 8
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Introduction of MYSQL DB 9
Lesson 2: What is relational database 9
Lesson 3: DB Concepts 9
Lesson 4: Introduction to SQL 9
Lesson 5: Different types of SQLs 9
Lesson 6: How to use DDL and DML 9
Lesson 7: Introduction to Tables, Indexes and Views 9
Lesson 8: DB security 9
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Introduction to SDLC 10
Lesson 2: What are different type of Software Development Methodologies 10
Lesson 3: Steps in project planning 10
Lesson 4: Steps in software development 10
Lesson 5: Steps in software release 10
Sessions Week
Lesson 1: Introduction to Laravel 10
Lesson 2: Installing Laravel 10
Lesson 3: Introduction to composer 10
Lesson 4: Routes 11
Lesson 5: Controllers 11
Lesson 6: Views 11
Lesson 7: Model 11
Lesson 8: Database - Laravel Migrations 11
Lesson 9: Raw SQL Queries 11
Lesson 10: Laravel Eloquent 11

Assignment 3

13 & 14

Real life project from 15th till 26th week.

This Course is for

Students are taught everything they need to know to build and launch software products, right through graduation. Through our proven method of teaching by working on a full-blown product, we give our students real world experience and the skills required for a Web Applications Developer.

Contact Details

For more details, feel free to contact us.

Office No-409,C-Wing KPCT Mall, Fathima Nagar, Wanwari, Pune - 411040

+91 - 8261879113